Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Long Day

My Dad's memorial service was today. It was fine, did not seem like a lot of my dad was in it, but they say that funerals are for those left behind. I could not even tell you how many people were there, they made all of the family hang out in some little room and then marched us in .It was not as crowded as the night before , when there were just too many people for the space, and ti was HOT. The funeral guy chose the beautiful all white flower arrangement that Dahn and David sent to be on the side of the little podium, it looked lovely.

Many thanks to my pals for coming to Winder and for coming over to the house afterwards. So, so many overly perfumed Winder ladies had been in and out of the house that it was great to have some Moopahs in the house!

I have taken many pics, but am not sure how to download them on this computer , maybe I'll just take laptop to a starbucks or something tomorrow and post some . Three count them three different congealed salads at luncheon today.The bottomless Tupperware box of chicken fingers has been replaced by a bottomless tray of Cuban sandwiches, that Neil and I are munching on as I type. There were lots of people here, the Moopahs segregated themselves to the back screened porch , drank a little , chatted, laughed, I am sure that if three more beers had been drank, dancing would have ensued. Atlanta traffic was on my side for once and kept my pals in Winder a bit longer!

A group of young men gathered in the driveway which was all full of BIG trucks, formed a sort of circle and drank beer and spit ( dipping) in the warm late March sun. I think this was more Southern than the three congealed salads, I hope the pictures come out.

11:47 and the last person just left, really.

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