Wednesday, April 14, 2010

end of an era....

The University of Georgia will end a 125 year old tradition this year, when it prints the last edition of it's Yearbook, Pandora.
From todays Athens BH : "This year's Pandora will be the last printed edition of the nearly 125-year-old University of Georgia yearbook.Sales of the student-produced book have declined steadily for years and no longer justify the cost of producing the print Pandora, said Cody Ward, adviser to the Pandora." ( the rest )

I LOVE old college year books, not just UGA but any school. They are perfect documents of social history. Sure , you know who the President was, powerful men and women, and movie stars and such. BUT! what were kids wearing to class in 1949, were they wearing hats? What were the fraternity hi-jinks of the year ??
HAIRSTYLES alone are reason to keep this going... Every college yearbook I have ever seen has beauty queens in them. ( the kids that make the yearbooks, probably are not hanging out with said beauty queens , so it gets them close! )
For some reason , growing up, there were all these yearbooks at my house, both of these two. 1965 and 1976.

Now, all that said, I never once at any of the 300 colleges that I attended went as far as buying a yearbook.. so I guess I am part of the problem. And truth be told, I just have no interest in any recent ones. Just seems like a sad sign of the times. Sort of the demise of College, as a verb....
Boola Boola

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