Sunday, August 17, 2008


One of the very best parts of being at Pompanuck is the huge totally organic garden just right outside the kitchen door. Last night was just chicken on the grill and what ever was ready in the garden, and the BEETS were. I love them!
  1. the beet patch. They pretty much grow themselves right out of the ground, so its easy to tell which ones are ready.
  2. dinner!
  3. separate the greens and the root, wash both separately. Some people roast their beets whole and then peel, I just go ahead and peel and chop before cooking.
  4. Cut up and put in foil with an onion, a few cloves of garlic and half an apple diced. Some olive oil, salt and pepper ( sometimes I add some lemon, but didn't have one). Put in a foil packet, airtight. Roast at 350 for 40ish min, until they are very tender
  5. Sauteed the greens with just a little onion and olive oil

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