Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I am only going to say this one time

and then I am MOVING ON: Barack Obama chose the wrong person to be his Vice President. Joe Biden was flat, Hillary Clinton was a rock star. I loved the back story, BUT, I always have, like I said, I had a crush on Joe Biden in 1988. You know, the shirtsleeves sort of guy , " from the neighborhood " as Chris Matthews touted. Taking the train home each night,  and all ( which is sort of silly since SO much work gets done in Washington over cocktails) on and on and on. 
I HOPE THEY WIN, and Joe Biden will be a fine Vice President. 
Moving on...... Moved on. 
Other than saying that you can tell that neither Biden or Obama are superstitious southerners.. cause him walking on that stage early was BAD LUCK, except Obama won't be in that room tomorrow... whew!

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