Wednesday, August 27, 2008

the morning after , the night before

I was a little bit emotional last night when I wrote my reactions to Hillary's speech. I bet a lot of people were. I decided this morning that it was like REALLY wanting a new bike for Christmas, BUT, the brand new kid next door gets the bike and LETS your ride it around the block. Yes,  it was a Presidential Speech, on and on and on... but , its not to be, at least not right now. enough.
We watched the speech live on c-span last night, but then I stayed up and watched a replay on CNBC ( LOVE me some Rachel Maddow!) I CAN NOT watch CNN, what ARE they thinking with the applause meter right there on the side of the screen? Stuff like that makes me crazy. SO , anyway, I've read in a couple of places that this is the year that FOX is in charge of the network camera feed, in order to not have so many all in one room , they rotate. Makes sense.. BUT, the network feed was super choppy, cutting at odd times to odd pics.. peoples backs and arms..I am not saying that the paid wing of the GOP.......errrrr FOX "news" are doing it on purpose, just an observation
Full post convention coverage later on.... ( yes, I am a pig in doo doo during BOTH conventions, I love them, I always have....)

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