Wednesday, August 27, 2008


This is what I am talking about!
Yes, it's the freaking New York Post, bastion of all that is evil with in the Murdoch Empire, but still HOW ON ANY PLANET was that FAINT PRAISE??
Americans ,as a whole, have LOST the ability to process any information on their own. We believe what we believe and will not let any sort of pesky facts get in the way of our beliefs, and ( AND!!) you are going to go to Hell if you don't believe the same things that I believe. I blame cable tv and the "Christian right".. but I blame those two for everything. The MSM wants there to be this in house squabble.. and they too, don't give a fuzzy rats patootie about the silly ole facts. I am going to start the KBC : The Kyle Broadcasting Network.
No one listens anymore, ever... and yes, I have had too much caffeine this morning. I am going to mow my lawn with LOUD B-52's in my non listening ears.

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