maybe it's a Moopah thing.
o.k.... here is the deal. I was c-r-a-b-b-y! this afternoon, ( as Susan can attest) !
What to lift the mood?
Several pitchers of strawberry margaritas! ( which is a much larger deal than one would think, seeing as how we are quite a ways from even buying ice.. but, a man's got to do what a man has to do, and I made the trip down the mountain for the ice and frozen strawberries!) fine... The mood improves.
Rachel Gandell is as big a Hillary fan as I am, talking to humans, good , good... more margaritas, good good...
Dahn throws us a LOVELY Tuscan feast with, really.. one of the best tiramisus I have ever had, with lots of wine. GOSH, mood is down right joyful!
NEIL'S FIREWORKS EXTRAVAGANZA!.... out in the middle of no where he is safe to cut loose. .. Think Washington, D.C. on the 4th of July,... this is some serious pyrotechnics. !!!
Started with wine, drank it all, Dahn came down to the house and brought up some beers to the fireworks... BOOM! Huge show, we taught the children to run at the first sign of flashing police lights, and if caught to say : " It was the monks next door! you KNOW how how those Franciscans love their fireworks....."
So, now, I'm down right giddy, lots to drink, very nice dinner, good pals, things blew up .. a good night.. Which brings us to the Moopah part. Once you hit a level of consumption you pretty much have to find a table, inside or out, gather around it, and solve the worlds problems. It is sort of a requirement, the table can be optional, but in our advanced age, it helps... Talk, everyone at once, about four or five different things all at once..: " Can you believe he"....." those damn Republicans"..." NO, you look good in that pic, and Yes, she is a bitch" .. " WE DO deserve that #1 ranking" ... " remember back when Butler still drank and he......"
Here at Pompanuck , they all go to bed.... 10:30!...and me with all sorts of wisdom to depart!, Sigh... I guess I'll just keep Pookie up for a while... but really, how much can one talk about the glories of napping and deer poop. LOTS of pics and videos to come when we get home....
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