let that sink in for a minute.... I-O-W-A.
The heart of the Heartland.. really and truly as middle America as you can get, and as of APRIL 24.... Marriage Equality will be the law of the land.
more to come.....
OK... had a little time to read and digest.
THIS IS BIG. It is not hippy laden Vermont or the Hollywood set in California.. this is American Gothic. Slap dab in the middle of the Country, again, the HEART of the Heartland, corn and no accent. A unanimous decision by the Iowa Supreme Court that Gays and Lesbians are EQUAL under the state Constitution. This was so off my radar screen, I have been all about Vermont, Maine and New Jersey, thinking wrongly that equality would start on the coasts... how silly of me to not see that the folks out there in the flyover understand that Gays and Lesbians are CITIZENS. and that politicians place their hand on the Bible and swear to uphold the Constitution , and not the other way around.
From everything I have read so far, this will be the law until, at least, 2012. A Constitutional Amendment it Iowa , unlike LIBERAL California , takes two consecutive YES votes over a two year period, and THEN goes before the people.
You know, I am really having a hard time getting my head around this. Marriage equality will occur in DeMoines before it happens in New York City and San Francisco. Is today the " Second Stonewall" that so many have been tossing around lately?
UPDATE: I forced myself to sit through the VERY sophomoric Hannity show tonight on FOX news, one would think they would have been up in arms.. NOT A PEEP!!! Is this because it is just not that big of a news story ( my screen to God's ears) OR the fact that this is a HUGE ( HUGE HUGE HUGE) loss for the social conservative movement in this country???
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