Waterboarding? Come on you bunch of bed wetters, its nothing more than doing beer funnels at the frat house! And AND, so what if it was torture.. are you alive and reading the kyle+blog? IF so , then you owe that to waterboarding!
SO, if a mild frat prank got us this far, lets go for the real deal, baby love! I want to be EXTRA safe. Not talking, that hour with the earth tone balloon valence or even sitting through The Watchmen, again.. no. If a little water broadening kept me safe. I want the Spanish Inquisition. It is logical that if a little bit of non torture kept me safe and sound here in Greater Mendon, that a whole butt load of torture, back the truck up and dump on the fire ants! Will keep me safer and sounder!
Is this REALLY the current state of the Conservative movement in this country? As we are sailing into uncharted economic waters ( mostly due to the " Conservative movement") all they have to offer is TORTURE IS GOOD ?? An America, President Reagan's " shining city on the hill", that uses a 1949 North Korean play book ?
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