Meet my state Assemblyman Joseph A. Errigo. ( the old one , in the middle )
I all but called him , to his face, a fucking moronic bigot.
The meeting started out pretty well, when you are walking the halls of the Capitol with an Episcopal Bishop, doors can open a little bit easier. The usual chit chat : " I love the gays, my second cousins third son's ex girl friend has a gay brother!" or really, something just as silly.
"I want them " them ?" to have all the rights as everyone else, it's just that word: Marriage." blah, blah, blah....
Kyle : " So, Mr Errigo, are you telling me that your ONLY opposition to marriage equality, to my civil rights, is your personal interpretation of the Christian bible ? Is that really what you are telling me? "
Mr. Errigo : " YES"
Kyle : How old are you?
Mr. Errigo, said with big smile and puffed chest: " SEVENTY! "
Kyle : " ahhhhhh....." ( Southern translation : " good, you can be dead soon" )
Kyle : "Are you really telling me the that the back of the bus gets to the same place as the front of the bus ? "
Mr. Errigo : " well, yes, it does..."
Kyle : "and just a little bit , unconstitutional???"
He told us, " I don't need this job, I retired years ago, I am just sort of here for the fun"
The man COULD NOT have been more patronizing, and he could have been talking to potted plants just as well as he was chatting with us. All smiles and glad handing, but really, he is just a waste of a very nice suit.
I should not have said everything that I did say, and again, I really do not think he picked up on what I was saying. No lingering hard feelings, he is just a man on the wrong side of history, who's time has come and gone. His NO vote will mean NOTHING in the State General Assembly, the GOP is way out numbered, it will easily pass there.
The state Senate is a different matter.
1 comment:
our Kyle, all grown up and lobbying his elected officials. You go!
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