Did I request thee, Maker from my clay
To mould Me man? Did I solicit thee
From darkness to promote me?
John Milton, Paradise Lost (X.743–5)
Really,like Miss Shelley, who else can we turn to to put some perspective on the illustrious, dare I name it EPIC feud between the Hatfields and McCoys Palins and the Johnsons, other than Milton himself. That Paradise that is the melting Alaska, with its meth labs, babydaddies and Presidential politics at its best. The fundie right wing is having a collective break down because Mr. McCain's little monster has come out of his cave to bite the hand that fed him.
Cutie-patootie ,and soon to be Breck girl, LEVI JOHNSON went on the Tyra Banks show and spilled all sorts of family value beans about the love that, not only, dare speak its name, BUT can happen in the Governors mansion! BANG! POW!
Causing Mamabear/Governor Palin to rush right out to defend her daughters ..... honor to People Magizine! ,( I am sure the WSJ had run its quota of babydaddy stories this week.) BANG! POW! Welcome to the Republican Party in 2009! What is NOT to love about this. My favorite , favorite , favorite part of the whole thing is the keening and moaning of the far right in their "LEAVE THOSE KIDS ALONE" Banshee yell. "Political kids should be off limits " lamented Mr. Hannity tonight!
I could not agree any more... BUT , the McCain/Palin campaign is who made this monster ! It was the GOP that bought Mr Levi those expensive cloths and got him that first of many to come fashion haircuts! It was the GOP and their lap dog media wing FOX NEWS that had wall to wall coverage of the coming nuptials of the tattooed Levi - trotting him out onto that tarmac to feel the love of Cindy McCain. SEE, Sarah is a great mother.. she brings the guy that knocked up her teenage daughter into the national spot light to prove..... well, what did it prove? That when you tell your kids that only Jesus and abstinence can keep them from having babies, that they , as a rule, end up having babies? Or did it just prove that Mr Levi is a babe in the making and can blow that one horse town that is Wasilla , Alaska and hit Hollywood for some soon to be must-see-tv-reality show on the MTV?
This really can ONLY get better. Lets just hope Levi can turn this into some real cash. I see some intense therapy in little Tripps life...
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