Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I'll crawl through your back yard, and whack your yapping dog...

Evidently I am going to come to your house and mess  up your stuff -  steal the ritz crackers -  or something really bad. Sorry....
Watch this vile , UNTRUE, little piece of acting and get a little taste of what I ( we... us, ..) am up against. Not going to link, cause I , unlike , looks like every other blogger don't want it on my site... 
" There is a storm coming:" OMG, you are NOT going to go to the Piggley Wiggley wearing that ,are you?" ,  how bad could it be??


Anonymous said...

Check out this response

b said...

OK, at least I get part of it now . . . but wtf is wrong with these people?
They're expecting maybe shotgun same-sex unions? It's unspeakably ridiculous.
And infuriating. Where do I sign up to get my own gay marriage?