You have to love this. DeMint is as big a fool to ever walk the halls of the U.S. Capitol.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I probably had a better day than you did...
Bright Sunny, not too hot day.
the GOOD parking...
Good Morning, Mitzy!
Breakfast of Champions, baby!
Rochester Red Wings v Buffalo Bison, the new METS AAA team, they have changed their logo, colors and now have a little orange and blue NY on their shirts...
again, just for my good buddy, Drew...
Kyle, should be smiling...
Jack, Neil and Don
Way to fast of a game... really, when its like 41 with a little ice, its slow.. this was over in a flash
Daytime baseball game with free tickets AND the good parking.
Wings win!
The fast and the furious!

60 : Thanks Arlen baby.. you gotta love that magic Senate number!
21 : the percentage of people in the United States of America that self identify as REPUBLICANS
1913 : the number of the U.S.House Bill that passed today , the so called MATTHEW SHEPARD HATE CRIMES BILL....
13 - 11 : MARRIAGE EQUALITY passes the New Hampshire Senate....
1 : swine flu deaths in the United States as of 4-29-09
11 - 3 : The vote in the Maine Judiciary Committee on their Marriage bill... sending it on to the Senate...
62 - President Obama's approval rating, on his 100th day!
76 - Michelle Obama's approval rating......
S.J.P. + 2

( and Matthew and James Wilke , too!)
Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick are set to become parents again to twin girls via a surrogate.The couple, who wed in 1997, are expecting twin daughters -- their second and third kids, and sisters for 6-year-old son James Wilke.
Congrats to k+b favorite cele-couple!
The Nightcrawler wears Prada!
FAMOUS PEOPLE! ( or darn close to them!)
NIGHTCRAWLER People! and a TONY for Cabaret!
A very nice man... we waited till he was done with his lunch to ask for the picture, then I blamed the whole things on Prince's little boy loving the X-Men. He didn't buy it , at all. He was the emcee for the event.
Devil Wears Prada! Princess Diary! little movie called Brokeback Mountain...
A lovely lady. She was there representing PFLAG, and read a letter from ANNE (who was starting a play in NYC and could not be there herself)
A lovely lady. She was there representing PFLAG, and read a letter from ANNE (who was starting a play in NYC and could not be there herself)
This did not go as well as it could have...
Meet my state Assemblyman Joseph A. Errigo. ( the old one , in the middle )
I all but called him , to his face, a fucking moronic bigot.
LUCKILY for everyone in the room, me included, it was said dripping in so much honeysuckle and magnolia blossom, that I am pretty sure his Yankee years did not register what exactly I was saying.
Meet my state Assemblyman Joseph A. Errigo. ( the old one , in the middle )
I all but called him , to his face, a fucking moronic bigot.
The meeting started out pretty well, when you are walking the halls of the Capitol with an Episcopal Bishop, doors can open a little bit easier. The usual chit chat : " I love the gays, my second cousins third son's ex girl friend has a gay brother!" or really, something just as silly.
"I want them " them ?" to have all the rights as everyone else, it's just that word: Marriage." blah, blah, blah....
Kyle : " So, Mr Errigo, are you telling me that your ONLY opposition to marriage equality, to my civil rights, is your personal interpretation of the Christian bible ? Is that really what you are telling me? "
Mr. Errigo : " YES"
Kyle : How old are you?
Mr. Errigo, said with big smile and puffed chest: " SEVENTY! "
Kyle : " ahhhhhh....." ( Southern translation : " good, you can be dead soon" )
Kyle : "Are you really telling me the that the back of the bus gets to the same place as the front of the bus ? "
Mr. Errigo : " well, yes, it does..."
Kyle : "and just a little bit , unconstitutional???"
He told us, " I don't need this job, I retired years ago, I am just sort of here for the fun"
The man COULD NOT have been more patronizing, and he could have been talking to potted plants just as well as he was chatting with us. All smiles and glad handing, but really, he is just a waste of a very nice suit.
I should not have said everything that I did say, and again, I really do not think he picked up on what I was saying. No lingering hard feelings, he is just a man on the wrong side of history, who's time has come and gone. His NO vote will mean NOTHING in the State General Assembly, the GOP is way out numbered, it will easily pass there.
The state Senate is a different matter.
Equality and Justice.....
It was an EARLY day... with pretty much no sleep the night before, but a very fun and hopefully productive one. It started off with a good omen, a RAINBOW bus!
the powers that be there said it was the most folks ever to show up for one of these, the room is huge and it was overly full. We are treated very well by the folks there at the Capitol. Danishes, muffins, coffee and juice when we got there, box lunch and snacks with drinks through out the day.
Alan Van Capelle, Executive Director or the Empire State Pride Agenda ( the group that sponsors this event ) came over to greet Bishop Singh personally and thank him for making the trip. A very nice move.
The biggest roar of the morning was when the Governor walked out. Really, loud heartfelt applause. I am sure it did Governor Patterson some good, he is not loved everywhere like in this room, but he surly was here!
I loved this poster! Not sure who this group was , but they were all over the place. Very John Adams
Alan Cummings was the MC for the entire event. Wasn't his first stint at being an MC.
Prince gave a WONDERFUL speech, he could not walk 20 feet afterwards without someone stopping him to thank him for his moving words , and just for being there.
It was a BEAUTIFUL , almost hot day
Really nice crowd.. very energized
Carl teaches a tiny priest to hula
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
One lonely ( or randy ) Mockingbird
WOW.. but he is LOUD and persistent!
Not that Mendon is London, nor is my humble little backyard friend a Nightingale, but my lack of sleep leads me to song:
OR - the Original, Miss Very Lynn
Not that Mendon is London, nor is my humble little backyard friend a Nightingale, but my lack of sleep leads me to song:
OR - the Original, Miss Very Lynn
OR - from the BBC show, Torchwood..... not at all sure what is going on here, but it's darn sexy!
I have to be on the bus in like four and a half hours..

LOBBY DAY! ( this year we will beat them with Iowa corn and Ct .... pizzas? tasteful sundresses? what comes out of Connecticut?)
5:15 am ( you KNOW a lesbian planned this one... any gay man would have pushed this off till 9:30, 10 o'clock )
Village Gate Square (back parking lot C off Anderson St.)
SO, light blog day....
Monday, April 27, 2009
360 CAKES!

( mmmmm.. cake )
360 couples stood in line in some florescent lit hallways all over Iowa today to get their MARRIAGE LICENSES! and, I am pretty darn sure that the sun is going to come up over that corn filled little slice of Heaven tomorrow.
I've said it before here on the k+b.. BUT, when Neil and I jumped the broom ( albeit a curling broom) up in Toronto, one of the MOST moving parts of the whole day, was waiting in that line.. JUST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE. Those of you who have never ever been an other, have NO idea the power of the mundane.
Best of luck to those lovely - ( look at the pics, with apologies to Toto, " Mary, I dont think we are in Chelsea anymore....) - couples .
swine flu, nothing but swine flu.....

( sung to the tune of the classic Bill Murry " Star Wars" )
MAN~ that is some timing the shinning GOP stars have !
First Hope-in-Waiting Governor Bobby- " I do not even like curry " Jindel poo poos silly VOLCANO MONITORING , and one erupts in Alaska.... sucks to be in Alaska...
Then penultimate New England Republican , Maine's Susan Collins takes GREAT PRIDE in getting a few million dollars taken out of the stimulus package that would have gone for: wait for it,..... PANDEMIC FUNDING! sucks to be , anywhere?
You just can not make this stuff up.... I saw on tv today a recent poll, missed who asked it, but the GOP now comes in THIRD in our TWO party system, the rats are leaving that sinking ship in DROVES.. ( Democrats, INDEPENDENTS, then the not so Grand old Party..)
Sunday, April 26, 2009
The First 96 Days....

We like him, we really like him.....
from an abc poll:
-- "Obama leads the Republicans in Congress in trust to handle the economy by a garish 61-24 percent."
-- "A remarkable 90 percent say Obama is 'willing to listen to different points of view'; fewer than half said that about George W. Bush."
-- Seventy-seven "percent call Obama a strong leader, nearly matching Bush's best a few months after 9/11."
sip on these numbers tea baggers.....
" oh sure, its all fun and games till SOMEBODY gets the swine flu"

One third of all of the Great State of Texas and a full half of the Lone Star States Republicans are fully in support of their PRIDE and JOY , Governor- way-not-gay- RICK PERRY's super cool idea of SECESSION.
"We are out of here".. Sam Houston, Remember the Alamo... Deep in the Heart of Yellow roses.. TILL, a couple of Mexicans started sneezing...:

Governor Rick Perry of Texas asks the US Government for 37,430 does of Tamiflu.
Sorry President Perry, all those drugs are the property of the United States of America, you have a supply up in Austin, BUT, they decided to stay in the country... sorry. Maybe Mexico or France can spare some...
Sun, Sun , Sun!
yes, kiddies, that is what I had for dinner, and it was all damn good.
WE LEFT THE HOUSE! , well, Neil is out and about all the time.. me, not so much.. but went to Fred and Steve's HAPPY HOUSEWARMING.
I should have taken more pics, like of the house that was being warmed or the hosts or more food or something, BUT, I did not know a lot of the guys there and didn't want to explain the tedium of the kyle+blog.
AND sadly, proof that the " old grey mare, she ain't what she used to be.." as noted on the facebook.. I left a perfectly good party, almost full keg of beer, warm spring night, and lots of cute boys.. and was not really upset by the fact.
Bea Arthur
Two emmys and a tony..odd how many of "us" totally remember Maude... cause we were way to young.
Matthew Update

So Long , Athens.. It's been good to know you...
"Detroit’s selection of Stafford was a foregone conclusion after his agents and the Lions agreed at 11 p.m. Friday on a six-year contract worth a guaranteed $41.7 million and a potential $78 million. The contract will make him the highest-paid rookie in NFL history."
Geez... you think with numbers like that he could have beat Florida a little more.....but water under the bridge.. best of luck , Matthew.
Knowshon went in the first round as well..
Saturday, April 25, 2009
well sure.... but Detroit?

from the AJC : "Any doubt about whether Stafford would be the top pick ended late Friday night, when he and the Detroit Lions agreed on contract terms that ensure the Lions making his the first name called when the draft begins at 4 p.m. in New York’s Radio City Music Hall. The day will be the culmination of a lifelong dream for Stafford — and lucrative validation of his decision in January to forgo his final year of eligibility at Georgia to enter the NFL draft."
What hath Herschel wrought?
Friday dinner..
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