Saturday, November 20, 2010


Don't start, the potatoes are real/fresh.

I really should have taken pictures of this as I was cooking it, because it was so much better than that greasy pot roast the other night! The key to doing it was my LOW setting on my cooktop. ( add smiley face here )

Started with the same meat we had on the pot roast, ( it was cheaper if you bought two ) cut into pretty big chunks/cubes. Blot on paper towels to dry off any excess moisture, season well, and brown in olive oil. Don't rush this part. Don't over crowd the bottom of your pan. Let the little chunks o meat get nice and browned and leave their little yumminess behind in the bottom of the pan ( brown bits ) I just used salt and pepper to season, but you could get as crazy as you wanted....

Meat all well browned, drain off a little of the oil, add a small dollop of bacon fat and a little bit of butter to the pot. Add a good amount of thin sliced onion and as many whole garlic cloves as you want. ( I only used one big one..) cook for 5-6 min. What you are basically doing is de-galzing with the onions... when they are good and soft add a tbl spoon of flour or so. I use wondra flour in this sort of situation, you don't have to cook it as long.

THEN add 3/4 bottle of red wine that you would drink and a can of beef stock. I also added some halved small onions ( you can wait and use the tiny frozen ones at the end ). Black pepper, Old Bay or bay leaf, hot paprika, some Italian seasoning. ( again, get as wild as you want, I was going for a very homey traditional stew ) . A big tablespoon of tomato paste ( you can use a can of whole tomatoes ) Set the pot on low, covered and let it go.. a couple of hours , at the least.

Two - two and a half ( or more ) hours have gone by, add cubed REAL POTATOES, carrots and mushrooms,I added another can of low salt beef stock, just because I wanted more soup. You could use water or chicken stock, not more wine.
Cook about another 45ish min. It really was VERY good.

1 comment:

jane said...

You'll kick my ass with that recipe!! I did one with oven roasted root vegies last week that was fab, but not traditional. I also add a big can of crushed tomatoes with the onions and garlic. Also, have you ever tried doing the pot roast thing with leg of lamb chunks? It is ab/fab, but add fresh rosemary, and use a strong chard instead of red wine. I sometimes add orange juice with the lamb pot roast. I LOVE pot roast. The best is one I did not have to cook!!