Saturday, November 27, 2010

Paging Dr. Nick.......

1000 years ago, back when I was living in Atlanta, my insurance company assigned me a doctor at random. He was sort of a long way from our house, and I am as healthy as all good peasant breeding stock is ( bred to not get sick, I mean, look, my people survived the black death and the  potato famine ) - anyway, he was a nice enough guy, about 300 years old, and I was his youngest patient by like 80 years, really. SO.. .it got to the point if I needed anything I would just call.... no problem.
Now, I have issues with pills..... just do not like to take them, my partner at the time - not so much, and I was calling Dr. Nick quite often. I was depressed, I was anxious, I sprained my ankle and was in great pain, I wanted to lose weight , all over the phone. Pretty sure if I had said I needed a Limbaugh sized dose of Oxycontin it would have been waiting for me at the drug store. You really can not be a college undergrad for as long as I was and not have a really good working knowledge of pharmacology.. ( not that I ever took a pharmacy class...)

SO, this morning I woke up and had the freaking pink eye. YUCK. I called the Doctor ( he is on speed dial here, Neil has his own parking place at the office ) and asked for the Erythromycin eye ointment that I knew I needed. After explaining to two different voices on phone that, " NO! I can not come in to see the doctor, what is this the stone ages? It is game day people ?!?" I was told no soup for you.

So, I went in. I am at at the contagious state of conjunctivitis... he gave me a big tube of creme for when Neil gets it. And no reindeer games for Kyle today, I will be watching football with just Koda.

The Mendon Pharmacy, 
they are very fast.

While we were at the pharmacy we went over the the Mendon Meadows Market ( they are in the same building, Mendon is all about shopping efficiency ) to get a pork shoulder since we would not be eating crock pot bbq over at Dahn's today, they did not have one, so we ran over to BJ's where I got a free paring knife if I listen to the Ginsu knife guy give his spiel.

1 comment:

CrankyProfessor said...

Now see, my theory of infectious diseases is Give IT back to the ones that gave it to you. In other words, march right back over there and sneeze on everyone and rub your eye and then touch door knobs.