Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The one where:

Kyle and Neil leave the Aryan lily whiteness of the greater Mendon-Pittsford area and travel to the barely ecru tented Rochester in search of large bunches of collard greens.

But first a visit to the palatial offices of Integrity USA

Where we get a rare John-Clinton Bradley sighting! Seen here in his native habitat: on a conference call discussing how many glbt angels can dance on the head of a pin, with their arms in the air like they just don't care.

Then off to the Shop Right! ( or is it Price Chopper ?) in search of some greens for our Thanksgiving Dinner.You will never see the truck backed up to the front of the store with giant bundles of greens ala College Park up here ,ever. Wegmans does sell collard greens every day, BUT, either in pre cut packages , where they DO NOT remove the stems or in these little tiny spinach looking bunches that post cooking would be a big tablespoon of greens.

A variety of smoked meats, including turkey tails!

and chicken " paws "
(These will not be on out Thanksgiving table...)

After out adventures in Rochester, we came back to The Reservation, stopping by the Taj Mahal of all liquor stores Wegmans own! Where we saw a 319$ bottle of tequila!

Popped into the mothership the Tuesday before the holiday, right at 5:00 pm . Ummmm... let's just go with not the wisest move for someone with space/agoraphobia and panic issues.

Mountain of sweet potatoes.. AND Wegman's moved stuff around, which they do ALL THE TIME... taking out a whole wall between the produce and the flowers... ( add change to the list of Kyle's neuroses )

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