Monday, November 22, 2010

You won't believe me, All you will see is a girl you once knew Although she's dressed up to the nines At sixes and sevens with you


Good Lord!  We had all but forgotten about the little tax haven that could and those simi trashy Grimaldi's ! Simi because To Catch a Thief is just one of our favorite movies of all time, simi, because the mother was American Royalty! But look what they have done! ( #1 Albert is NOT gay, just European...that alone is a shocker)

Grace's eldest has gone and gotten himself a KNOCK OUT of a Princess-to-be :

From the ever fabulous TLo :
Seriously, can you stand it! All but a film star herself. " Charlene Wittstock  staring in the remake of the unsurpassable Alexis Carrington enters the court room scene! Seen here in full blown Armani Privé Fall 2010 Couture! ( I don't think soon to be Princess Kate can wear such NON approved designers....)

She is just a diamond among all that tired Coal!  Read more on TLo!

A little bit of a side story here, and really the only Grimaldi story I have. ( and it is VERY tacky, but I will blame it on youth, the newness of the Internet and I am sure strong drink ) The night that Diana was in the wreck, I think even before the Sainted woman died, Steve and I were in an AOL chat room - ( that is how long ago this was ) - The details of the wreck were still not really known, and I ( or it might have been Steve ) typed into the chat room  : "Stephanie was driving the car". Yes, it was WAY too soon for any sort of humor, but come on that is funny.
This must have been the GAY MEN THAT LOVE PRINCESS DIANA and know a lot about other current royals.... cause those queens went off on us like you can not imagine. I mean, we were the topic of the chat room for the next 45 min. Called every name in the book and a few of the hard cores started trying to find out where we lived. I learned a fast lesson lesson!

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