Sunday, November 21, 2010

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times

Your on going never ending culture wars. Your DADT - ENDA- DOMA endless loop. Jesus loves you, ... love the sinner, hate the sin. " All men are created equal " , God hates fags. Act up, See you in church on Sunday. HRC v DOM. NoH8..... ad infinitum.....and then this:

Kyle and Jon, the happy happy couple, making the TIMES.... ( with another gay couple in the main part...) Kyle and Jon getting all legally married then going off on their kick ass free Ritz Carlton honeymoon. Then back to work in Senate Majority Leader Reid's office... being all powerful and stuff, with your newly framed wedding photo on your desk. Baseball, hotdogs and apple pie.

How exactly do we ( the collective gay we.... non royal ) get our minds around this?? Our Nations Capitol, heck, for all we know, Senator Reid was at the wedding, gave them a lovely drinks set from Pottery Barn... Closet, what closet? Was there ever a closet? and yet, this is the same week, when the NOM crowd went all up in arms because some hospitals may have to admit same sex partners to a hospital bedside AND Newsweek writes a glowing bio piece on hater in charge, Brian Brown, President of NOM. ( I am still working on a blog post on this..)

So, on the one hand you have these guys, and the other you have new GOP king maker Jim DeMint saying gay men should not be allowed to teach in public schools.... best of times, worst of times... with a little schizophrenia thrown in for good measure.

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